What are these "studies"?

Personal investigations that I haven't really put to words yet. I'll see if I can formulate them and put them here. If I do it well, it'll be like a blog!


Vastness Indecisiveness "Everyone a King"
Crucial to the study of myself, and how I interpret the world, is the importance I place on the vastness and diversity of things which one might encounter. This refers mainly to the opinions and practices of others, and which one must always conceive of, be aware of, and attempt to understand, especially if they are to act in any sort of public setting. However, it also applies to more frivilous topics, like solipisism and aliens, that is, that there are millions of things and properties and forces that may be very possibly out there, we simply can't detect and conceptually do not exist to us (but may very well be crucial to something we meet, which may exist without the same concepts of even communcation that we do). This is less relevant anymore, but it's still a part of me. I have a very hard time choosing things! This can be partially related to the aforementioned concept of vastness, by the way of how the diversity of the things in the world also implies the intricacy of their qualities, which means they take careful consideration to make a proper value judgement of. This is basically another long way of saying that every aspect must be considered. In this way, as way, noone and nothing is a monolith: just as a stereotype can not reperesent a creed of people, a single creator cannot represent a large production, and a single event or period cannot represent a culture. Everything has an infinite context. This is where my beliefs may verge into the cheesy and naive. I personally believe everyone "ought" to be treated like royalty. There are so many little things you can do for family, friends, acquaintances, even strangers, that can easily make them feel well treated, and in a stupid golden rule type of way, might improve things for you, too. In a world of such well developed supply chains and automation, theres a lot of suffering that we just don't need to maintain. I'm sure you can guess where this line of reasoning goes.


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